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Mike Stanley

Problem Solving is the heart of Successful Consulting

I've been reflecting on this a lot lately - and I'll state it again #problemsolving is the heart of #success in #consulting.

second hand seismic problem solving
Problem Solved!

Part of why this has been on my mind is, in my previous roles as an employee in the Seismic Industry as Commercial Manager and Operations Manager - thinking outside of the box was always the exciting and fun part. Finding opportunities to brainstorm, collaborate, and improve processes, systems, and procurement is extremely gratifying.

I was involved in a project where we had an inland lake, and the client was very keen to shoot #transitionzone #seismic as to not lose their highly valuable data in this region. The decision was made to use land equipment, and safely float it on the water surface using #Hydrophone sensors. Conventional thinking dictated that procuring a foam float, manufactured for the specific purpose of holding the equipment should be the easiest solution.

Manufacturing foam floats for the purpose of holding #geophysical equipment required a very simple design, however the cost of building a pressure mold was high, and then to manufacture 700 floats would require a period of 45 days, plus 7 - 40' containers to hold the volume of the cargo! For some procurement departments, they would have simply clicked yes to all of those requirements, spend the money, wasted the unavailable time, and considered their job done.

This solution did not seem #costeffective enough; did not seem #innovative enough, and would have taken too much #time. After some risk brainstorming, and discussions with the operations team (more on that later!) we formed a solution to improve upon all of the disadvantages of procuring the conventional solution.

Using common 5 ton truck tyre tubes, locally manufactured waterproof heavy duty fabric, locally procured 5 gallon buckets with locally procured cement, we were able to manufacture a better solution to the #procurement need using locally available materials, cutting the shipping volume by 95%, cut the procurement cost by 70%, and most importantly was able to offer the operations team a solution they were involved, invested in, and they supported.

Aside from the shipping savings, cost savings, and operational benefits of arriving at this solution, the absolute most valuable step in this process was collaboration and acceptance from the operational team and field staff. No solution is a success if the guys who will be deploying the equipment are not on board. (no pun intended). During our design stage of these floats, the operational team made some adjustments including strengthening the anchor stitching, resizing the battery insert, and repositioning the takeout in the middle of the float for the hydrophone cable. If the operational team are not involved in the design and procurement process, the end result will not be fit for their needs, plain and simple.

consulting second hand seismic
Nothing more satisfying then seeing a collaborated vision in action

Second Hand Seismic Marine TZ Procurement
Not a bad place to work either!

This is a small example, but one of my favorite ones on a successful problem identification, solution brainstorm, and delivery of a cost effective, operationally beneficial product. I'm thankful to have been exposed to a rich history of previous experiences like this - as all have combined into forming MKS with a strong problem solving focus.

We proudly tackle all of our opportunities with this same strategic, thoughtful, problem solving approach, and are happy to report continued learning and growth in collaboration with our customers.

Contact us if you would like to discuss any potential solution finding in your upcoming operational or procurement needs.

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